Founder Steven Zeisler has spent over a decade conducting and participating in seminars at the US Army War College where, for over a century, senior military officers and civilians have prepared for strategic-leadership responsibilities.
In recent years, the USAWC has become known as “VUCA University” because of its focus on creating leaders capable of dealing effectively with Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous conditions.
Our important contributions there and in businesses around the world mean we understand what it takes for leaders and their organizations to deal successfully with these turbulent business, marketplace and global conditions we all face. As a result we can bring to you powerful approaches to create VUCA-ready leaders at all levels of your organization.
In a VUCA world, leaders must:
- Understand the dynamics of change
- Scan the environment for Weak Signals
- Develop refined sense-making skills
- Create an agile, change-ready organization
- Engage their people